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Can You Hear Me Now? Comcast introduces a new voice activated remote

By February 23, 2016No Comments


TV remotes over the last few decades have been getting more and more sophisticated. After all when TV was first released there were only a few channels available and the TV was black and white. The first TV remotes had a cord running into the TV. Now we have a million adjustments to make. multi channel, multiple inputs, the average TV remote today is more complicated then the Apollo Space crafts instrument panels.

Comcast introduces a new voice activated remote. Finally I can have something that listens to me. Follows any command. Does what I actually tell it. It’s the beginning of a new era.

But wait, there must be a catch. My Comcast bill came in at one hundred and fifty bucks last month. Although I keep re-negotiating it some how it keeps creeping up there. So I’m wondering if this new remote they’re gonna give me is gonna cost a lot more. Why not doesn’t everything else? I’m kind of worried about security too. Not that I have anything to hide. If there’s a TV remote in your living room that can understand your requests can’t it then understand everything said in that room? It’s a little like having a microphone in your living room if you ask me. I’ve been doing a little research online and the new remotes have just become available so we will have to wait and see. In the mean time I think I’ll do a little research to see what alternatives are out there to replace my $150.00 per month cable bill.  Hey Comcast can you hear me now or do I have to say it in your new remote? In the mean time we’ll  let everyone  test that voice activated remote for a little while and report back later.

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