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How Americans Get Their News

By February 25, 2016No Comments


In our days there are a number of ways to get it but how do Americans get their news? Although the internet has taken over in a lot of industries, Television seems to be the most prevalent medium for consumers to stay up-dated according to the new Pew Research Center analysis of Nielsen Data. The largest percentage of the viewing public seem to tune into local and network broadcasts. The national cable news however gets the most attention overall. In fact the average cable viewer spends nearly twice as much time watching their cable news, an average of an hour per day.

Another interesting fact is that viewers no longer remain loyal to one station over the other but seem to bounce from station to station. Over a third of the liberal MSNBC viewers will wander over to the conservative Fox news channel. Even more Fox and MSNBC viewers end up wandering over to CNN.

Some interesting facts are that Cable News Viewers spend more then twice as much time watching the news then regular TV stations. There are no news junkies like a cable junkie.The average dedicated cable news viewer spends over an hour per day glued to the TV.

Lastly on this topic, interestingly enough 90% of the network news viewers tune into the local news while 82% of the local news viewers watch the network news. Be careful news viewers, someone might take your remote away, it always pays to have a spare.

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