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How long should your TV last?

By March 29, 2016No Comments


The first thing to go wrong with a TV is usually the remote. That’s why we’re here. Today’s TV is usually affixed to the wall and is rarely even touched. Although for some reason I always turn the power on with the power button. Other then misplacing, sitting or stepping on it or having your dog use it as a chew toy the modern TV and remote will last for a long, long time. They rarely just stop working. The modern TV will simply just get a little darker, and a little darker but you probably won’t even notice it . Once it gets down to “Half Brightness” it will still be watchable and you may not even notice it being darker then.

How long should your TV last? How many years do you have until it’s  not watchable will depend on a lot of things. There are a lot of factors that are common among all TV’s. Usually the brighter the TV is the shorter it’s life will be. Turning down the TV’s back light or turning down the contrast on a plasma, will surprisingly extend the televisions life. It may even save you a couple of cents on your electric bill. Will it give you an additional 30 years? Honestly no one knows yet but probably not, we’ll just have to wait and see.

So what is the longest lasting Television Technology on the market today? Again it’s too early to tell. Plasmas have been around the longest and they’ve claimed that they should last 100,000 hours. So if you watch for four hours per day your looking at it lasting a little over 68 years. So going down the list LCD’s should last between 30 and 60.000 hours. There is very little data published on these other lifespans. Maybe they just messed up and made something that will just eventually put them all out of business.

But wait there’s the new technology, the long awaited OLED TV’s which are brand spanking new on the market. So far there’s not much to report. The only chatter I’ve heard about is in the beginning  the blue LED longevity was a major factor in the technology. The blue is known to dim faster then the red and green. Although I’ve been told that the blue lifespan is in line with the other colors now although it took an additional five years to overcome that issue.
So the good news is that your TV will probably last and you can pass it down to your kids and grand kids. I remembered my first micro wave lasted twenty years. No cancer yet, guess I shouldn’t bring that up. So even though your TV will last a long time we here at Remote Hound will bet that your TV remote won’t but that’s why we are here.

Take a look at our site for your remote. We just dropped a lot of prices because the Summer is our slow time. Everyone is going outside in the summer doing Summery things but now is the time to pick up that spare. Don’t wait though because quantities on some older models are limited.


Author cimetta

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