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Oscar judges were unbalanced

By February 29, 2016No Comments


If you have been following our blog you know we’ve been looking forward to last nights Oscar awards. After all, these movies will all be on your TV someday and you’ll need a good remote to either change the channel, turn up the volume, adjust the color or turn your TV off and go to bed. Plus just writing about TV remotes in a blog gets rather boring unless your a tech geek and there are so many remotes that mostly all do the same thing that it would just be boring. So if some new tech comes out or any great movies air I like to write about it. Of course the different movie awards are interesting to most to anyone who likes to watch movies.

I was kind of blind sided by the chain of events that turned this years Oscars into a comedic racial protest. It kind of grew and grew like a wart starting very small then gaining a little size every week until it really began to become noticeable. By the time the Oscars were ready to air it was like a giant cyst right in the middle of the Oscar’s face. No one said much of course until the event was televised. Some of the nations best black comedians began with jokes and full blown sketches all to drive the point across that there was no black talented chosen to win any awards. The message was that the Oscar judges were unbalanced. Amazingly it was a demonstration that didn’t cause any noticeable hostility and was really well done.

At first I rolled my eyes and kind of felt that they were makeing an unfounded racial issue. So when I got up this morning I was going to really let them have it in this blog post. Luckily before I did I started to do some research and discovered how racially unbalanced the Oscars really are. I also discovered that they are not only unbalanced racially but also sexually. The large majority of people voting on these awards are white men. Not by a little but by a lot.

76% of the Oscar voters are men and 94% are white. It’s not a small group either there are a little more then 6000 voting members. How can anything like this be so wrong in our day and age? It’s a mystery. Thank goodness it’s being brought into the light. I could understand this if it were in the 70’s 80’s or even the 90’s but for God’s sake it’s 2016. I don’t know how it’s been this skewed this long. Luckily it’s been voted on to make the necessary changes and things will be put on an equal footing. Although it will be a slow process and take a few years to complete. Until then I guess we can get used to the jokes while we all grin and bare it and until things are finally put on an equal footing.

Here is a link to the final list of Oscar winners, enjoy

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