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What’s new on your Farnsworth Tonight?

By December 29, 2015No Comments


This may have been the question you would be asking if the name caught on a little different. The basic invention of today’s Television Set was conceptualized by Philo T. Farnsworth the actual inventor of the TV set and best best known inventor of the first fully functional electronic video camera tube. Farnsworth called it an image dissector. He is also known as the first person to display his system in public which included both the receiver and camera. He began commercially producing the units under the name of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation which he started in 1938,

In the beginning on September 7th 1927 after years of hard work Farnsworth was able to transmit his first image which was the transmigration of a white line from one room to another. After another full year of development Farnsworth had developed his technology to the point where he was able to demonstrate his new invention to the press. In order to impress his investors the first image transmitted to the reporters was a dollar sign. After a few modifications to his original design that same year he was able to transmit the first live image of a human being. His wife Pem Farnsworth then became the first TV personality although she never had a regular programming schedule.

In 1930, Vladimir Zworykin was attempting to develop an all electronic television system while working for Westinghouse but was never able to make it work satisfactorily for his superiors. RCA offered to by Farnsworth’s patents along with the stipulation that he would also become an employee. Instead Farnsworth turned it down and joined the Philco company and moved with his family to Philadelphia.

RCA filed suit and litigation began and ensued for the next few years. Farnsworth lost a couple of suits and won others. The whole case was finally settled in 1928. RCA eventually came out and patterned Color transmission as early as 1928.
A few other law suits were started and the battles raged back and forth.

It’s kind of ironic that the development took so long. Mostly because of legal battles. Color television technology was available as early as early as 1928 but not available until the late fifty’s.

Stay tuned the technology wave is still coming.


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