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Breaking Bad is Coming to a Close

By July 26, 2013 No Comments

August 11th. Perhaps you recognize this date as Chad’s independence day, and if so, will hopefully enjoy some good banda. But for the rest of us, August 11th represents a different, but equally momentous occasion: the premiere of AMC’s Breaking Bad’s final season.

The mid-season finale left the audience reeling, as Hank, Walt’s brother-in-law by day, DEA agent by night, finally found out that Walt is in fact the notorious drug lord Heisenberg. Since then, AMC has been tight-lipped, releasing 20 second teaser trailers which reveal little to nothing about what’s to come. The cast has done a good job of keeping us in suspense though, with Aaron Paul tweeting his dramatic reactions to the final script:

Aaron’s awe


RJ Mitte (Walt Jr.) testified to the quality of the show’s end, saying in a statement:

“There will be no loopholes. There will be no endings that are dreams.” “I think the fans are going to love it. I think everyone is going to react to it very well.”

With Gilligan at the helm, we can’t see how Mitte could be wrong.

We’ve followed Walter White (aka Heisenberg) for seven long years, watching his progression from a timid chemistry teacher to a ruthless kingpin, and we’ve loved every second of it. We loathe to see him go, but as AMC says “All bad things must come to an end.”


Author cimetta

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