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Future TV technology

By March 25, 2016No Comments


When you think about it TV’s haven’t changed that much since they’ve come into existence.
They started in black and white but color came along quickly. Channels were added and added until we had access to hundreds of them. Paid TV and content like Netflix expanded our horizons even more. The personal computer is being integrated with the TV giving us almost unlimited content. TV’s are becoming more colorful and getting thinner and larger. The prices are coming down too. So what’s next is exciting. Here’s what’s coming to future TV technology.

Three D TV without glasses.

Nintendo has recently released it’s new 3D’S which isn’t thrilling many people and getting a lot of mixed reviews. LG will be releasing a 3D handset although what most people are wanting to see is 3-D without glasses. Be patient, it’s coming soon.

Kinetic TV

So you want to be in movies. Well it probably won’t be that advanced in the beginning. Simple things like exercise workouts and dance routines will be made more interesting by putting you right there in the picture. A small camera mounted on the TV or built right into the picture tube will capture your image and let you exercise along with the rest of the group. Ready for another Set? Of exercise that is.

TV sets and computers

It’s already possible to integrate a TV with your computer. Basically your TV Set just becomes a large monitor. Unfortunately you need both, the tv and the computer usually which comes with a lot of wiring. Your living room will begin to look like a Dr. Frankenstein experiment. Other then all the wires and computer hardware you’ll probably need a 20 something computer guy to put it all together. The future TV will have a computer built right in or the computer will have a really big screen depending on how you want to look at it.

Google is already launching Google TV which will basically do what we just talked about although it is an add on at this point. You’ll be able to add apps to it some free and some which you’ll have to pay for.

Interactive Television Commercials

So your watching your favorite show and then it goes to a commercial break. Except this time it’s interactive. It may read click here for a free sample or click here for a discount coupon. Want to ask ask a question? Click here and talk directly to one of our operators who can answer any question or set an appointment with one of their local sales reps.

The Cloud

A term which more and more of us are becoming familiar with. It hasn’t been set up as a national data base yet. Right now it’s only being controlled by a few local companies. Soon a nation wide cloud data base will be available with unlimited content. Commercials will be integrated by content providers to create a revenue stream for themselves.

Target Marketing

Advantages will run both ways. Content providers will be able to deliver you what ever will appeal to you. They will get to know you better and be able to deliver targeted messages directly to you. You and your neighbor may be watching the same program but receiving two different commercials.

How Big is too Big?

How big is your wall. Or how big is the side of your building. New technologies are allowing us to make larger TV’s without breaking the bank. Maybe if you want to cover the outside of a building you may be looking at some real cost but to have a tv the size of your living room wall will be in line with what a large TV today will cost you.


Author cimetta

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