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I know that the ultimate way to watch a Super Bowl game would be to actually attend one. We all know that is a bit unrealistic for most people though. After all there is limited seating and you may have to travel across the country to attend depending on where you live. Then there are hotel accommodations which will certainly be sold at a prime price, food, booze if you happen to indulge and of course you’ll probably want a few souvenirs that will only end up in the junk drawer. Lastly but most important is the price of the ticket which will be around $5000. We hope you have a small family or a small fortune.

Look at the bright side though. You can stay home and watch the game for free! Buy yourself some of the best steaks available with all the fixins’ and still have enough money left to buy a car.
You’ll be able to watch all those award winning TV commercials which you’ll miss at the game. No fighting crowds or loud obnoxious people. No overpriced restaurants, hotels, taxis. In fact the only thing you need to make sure it’s a great time is your TV Remote.

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