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Oscar debacle encourages rule changes.

By January 26, 2016 No Comments

blackoscarThe Academy Awards organizers are trying to double the number of ethnic and female members by the year 2020 after a wave of complaints against the current older and mostly white current members. They are hoping to do so without excluding current well know veterans however.

Due to an overwhelming outcry for diversity spawned by a lack of nominations in the last two years the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is making an effort to codify changes even at the expense of older, white members. Due to an overwhelming outcry from the industry and and public the Academy announced a series of substantive changes. The primary changes in addition to others included a commitment to double the number of women and ethnic minority members by the year 2020. It will also be introducing a ten year limit to members with voting privileges, in a hope to create more diversity. Surprisingly a number of current longstanding members are now complaining the new rules are biased against older, white voters. You can view a list of changes which have been posted on the Academy’s website. The Academy however says they are not excluding older members, everyone will still retain their membership because the rules are not about age. Veteran Academy members will retain voting rights.

The Academy makes it clear that it is determined to recruit newer members, but will be expanding the membership to include more diversity without sacrificing quality. They will be working hard to be fair and continue to be active members of the motion picture industries community.

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